The project
Algorithmic Law and Legal Norm Migration in the Technological Realm: Concepts, Case Studies and Perspectives
The worldwide ongoing digitization process, the development of global communication networks, and the advances in artificial intelligence and robotics have implications on all aspects of life in society. These transformations also have an impact on law which is itself modified by this digital transition. Thus, the world of justice integrates directly into its arsenal new technologies (e-discovery, electronic filing, remote trials through videoconferencing, etc.) that can lead to changes in procedural and evidentiary rules. New technologies also affect legal norms as well as their implementation and penalties. These norms are interpreted, mediated and potentially replaced by computer systems
using artificial intelligence and algorithms (Big data & Taxation, smart contracts, decision support software, automation of certain procedures, etc.). This is referred to as "algorithmic law" or "computational law".
Through an interdisciplinary collaboration between lawyers and computer scientists, this research project intends to examine the consequences of the migration of legal norms in the context of algorithmic law. Consideration will also be given to the benchmarks that should be established where necessary in order to ensure that such migration does not jeopardize fundamental rights or the balance of interests underlying various legal regimes. The main results of the project will be a better understanding of the impact of the migration of legal norms to technical devices and a multidisciplinary analysis of the risks and opportunities of this migration for public authorities, legal professionals, citizens and litigants.
This content has been updated on 06/21/2018 at 14 h 31 min.