A2J and Marginalized People
The current health crisis brings to the forefront the difficulties related to accessing justice, in particular the situation of marginalized communities, such as indigenous communities, foreign residents or the elderly. Taking into account the current flow of information that the public needs to know as well as the issues that come with social distancing, marginalized people seem to be nearly out of reach. To mitigate these effects of the pandemic, judicial actors have notably recurred to technology. This approach, which has proven to be very effective in several fields of the legal domain, is also showing results in terms of accessibility.
For this second part of our scientific program for the summer of 2020, we will be focusing on the various initiatives that have been established to inform the public about their rights during a pandemic. We will explore some of the services and platforms that have been developed - such as the COVAID application or the Porte 33 project in videoconference - to adjust to the current situation. We will discuss the achievements as well as the new challenges that lie ahead, in an effort to transmit these experiences, to engage in thought-provoking exchanges and to inspire innovative projects seeking to achieve a more accessible legal system.
To watch or rewatch our activities
Web-conference, October 27, 2020 : The Justice Crisis: The Cost and Value of Accessing Law
Rebroadcast available here !
Web-conference, October 22, 2020 : Placer le citoyen au « coeur du sytème de justice » : analyse d'un discours contemporain
Rebroadcast available here !
Web-talk, May 14, 2020 : Learning from experience | How to inform public of their rights in times of crisis
Rebroadcast available here !
Web-talk, May 15, 2020 : Retour d'expérience - Comment informer le public sur ses droits en période de pandémie ?
Rebroadcast available here !
Podcast : Retour d'expérience - Les cliniques portes 33 de Justice Pro Bono
Rebroadcast available here !
Contents related to the theme
1 - Access to justice and system reform
Access to justice : Justice in the time of social distancing - newspaper article
Contact tracing must not compound historical discrimination - newspaper article
Making a list : Barriers to Access to Justice - newspaper article
Access to justice : Visionary thinking to update a legacy system - newspaper article
Indigenous needs during pandemic demand culturally competent response - newspaper article
The jury is still out on Zoom trials - newspaper article
What Does COVID-19 Tells us about Our Response to the Access to Justice Crisis? - newspaper article
La numérisation des activités de l’huissier de justice - scientific article
What is Access to Justice? - blog post
Sounds good, but What Are We Missing? - blog post
2 - Public information and marginalized people
Building the CERB Helper - statement
Inégaux face au coronavirus - report
COVID-19 : Le défi d'informer les communautés culturelles montréalaises - newspaper article
Protéger les droits des travailleurs - blog post
COVID-19 effet domino et angles morts - blog post
3 - To go further..
L'accès à la justice : perspectives sociologiques - scientific article
This content has been updated on 11/10/2020 at 13 h 31 min.