Issues of AI Use in the Legal Sector
Artificial intelligence is now an integral part of our lives. Whether in the medical, advertising or community fields, its use provides significant benefits to organizations considering its ability to perform certain tasks much more efficiently than humans. It is therefore not surprising that several teams around the world are working to incorporate artificial intelligence in their fight against the pandemic. This is the case of Yoshua Bengio and his colleagues at Mila, who have created a mobile application to assess the level of risk that a person will be infected with COVID-19.
Although the use of artificial intelligence in the context of a pandemic seems promising, we must keep in mind that the use of this technology can also have harmful consequences. Thus, this section of our scientific programming will focus on the challenges of artificial intelligence, particularly regarding privacy and the protection of personal information, democracy and ethics. We will also treat the current crisis as an opportunity for a reasoned deployment of artificial intelligence in various sectors, like the administration of justice. In short, this theme will stimulate reflection on the place that artificial intelligence should occupy in our society.
Artificial intelligence is now an integral part of our lives. Whether in the medical, advertising or community fields, its use provides significant benefits to organizations considering its ability to perform certain tasks much more efficiently than humans. It is therefore not surprising that several teams around the world are working to incorporate artificial intelligence in their fight against the pandemic. This is the case of Yoshua Bengio and his colleagues at Mila, who have created a mobile application to assess the level of risk that a person will be infected with COVID-19.
Although the use of artificial intelligence in the context of a pandemic seems promising, we must keep in mind that the use of this technology can also have harmful consequences. Thus, this section of our scientific programming will focus on the challenges of artificial intelligence, particularly regarding privacy and the protection of personal information, democracy and ethics. We will also treat the current crisis as an opportunity for a reasoned deployment of artificial intelligence in various sectors, like the administration of justice. In short, this theme will stimulate reflection on the place that artificial intelligence should occupy in our society.
To watch or rewatch our activities
Web-talk, November 26, 2020 : Legal Text Analysis using AI Chapter 4
Rebroadcasting available here !
Web-conference, November 24, 2020 : La fiducie de données : le bon véhicule juridique pour encadrer le développement de l’intelligence artificielle?
Rebroadcasting available here !
Web-talk, November 19, 2020 : Legal Text Analysis Using AI Chapter 3
Rebroadcasting available here !
Podcast : Projet de loi nº64 : la protection des renseignements personnels à la croisée des chemins
Rebroadcasting available here !
Podcast : L’exploration de la patrimonialité des données personnelles : enjeux sur le statut de la donnée et limites
Rebroadcasting available here !
Podcast : Pandémie, surveillance et démocratie
Rebroadcasting available here !
Web-talk, 15 June 2020 : Enjeux éthiques du recours à l'intelligence artificielle en temps de pandémie
Rebroadcasting available here !
Web-conference, 16 June 2020 : AI'S Contribution to the Administration of Justice
Rebroadcasting available here !
Web-talk, 18 June 2020 : COVID-19 | vie privée et protection des données
Rebroadcasting available here !
Summer school 2020 : Protection de la vie privée dans le contexte de covid-19 - Pierre-Luc Déziel & Céline Castets-Renard
Rebroadcasting available here !
Content linked to the theme
1- COVID-19 App|MILA
Une application pour lutter contre la COVID-19... - newspaper article
Montreal to study possible use (...) locally - newspaper article
Montreal computer scientists expect to launch...- newspaper article
Coronavirus : Le projet d'application MILA (...) crée tout un émoi - newspaper article
L'intelligence artificielle pour mesurer le risque - newspaper article
COVI White Paper - scientific paper
2 - AI and Administration of Justice
An Agent-based Legal Knowledge - scientific paper
Technique for Automated Drafting of Judicial Documents - scientific paper
Groundwork for Assessing the Legal Risks - scientific paper
Using Future Internet Technologies - scientific paper
Le blogue du CRL - blog post
L'intelligence artificielle et la justice - blog post
Name-Matching Algorithms for Legal Case - blog post
3 - AI and health data, scientific research
Using AI to Help Explain Why Coronavirus Hits... - newspaper article
Chinese Hospitals Deploy AI to Help Diagnose COVID-19 - newspaper article
AI Uncovers a Potential Treatment for COVID-19 patients - newspaper article
Israel is using AI to flag high-risk COVID-19 patients - newspaper article
Google's medical AI was super accurate in a lab - newspaper article
Doctors are using AI to triage Covid-19 patients - newspaper article
Can symptom surveys predict the next Covid-19 hotspot - newspaper article
How A.I. Steered Doctors Toward a Possible Coronavirus Treatment - newspaper article
On the processing of data concerning health - practical guideline
4 - AI and ethical issues
The Bias Embedded in Algorithms - newspaper article
Les loups dans la bergerie de l'intelligence artificielle - newspaper article
Covid-19: les dérives possibles de surveillance des données personnelles - newspaper article
Surveillance numérique : de réels risques.. - newspaper article
Opinion : Use least restrictive means - newspaper article
À la fois juge et partie, "l'éthique" de Mila - newspaper article
Géolocaliser la pandémie, une fausse bonne idée ? - newspaper article
For all its sophistication, AI isn't fit to (...) decisions - newspaper article
Entre le technosolutionnisme et le catastrophisme - newspaper article
Surveillance pour tous à l'étude - newspaper article
Application de traçage, le projet québécois prend forme - newspaper article
COVID-19 : la surveillance de masse pour lutter... - newspaper article
Conditions d'acceptabilité éthique - practical guideline
A High-Level Overview of AI Ethics - scientific paper
5 - AI and protection of privacy
Les lois du Québec insuffisantes pour encadrer les applications de traçage - newspaper article
Protecting privacy on COVID-19 surveillance apps - newspaper article
COVID-19 and privacy - newspaper article
6 - Technological regulation - Pandemic management
Privacy in the balance - newspaper article
Enjeux éthiques et sociaux du traçage de contacts - newspaper article
Ottawa espère recommander une application de traçage - newspaper article
Technology Will Not Save Us - newspaper article
Apple and Google Team Up to 'Contacts Trace' Coronavirus - newspaper article
A Scramble For Virus Apps That Do No Harm - newspaper article
Covid Tracing Tracker - newspaper article
Attention à la surveillance technologique généralisée - newspaper article
Le traçage de contacts et la fracture numérique - newspaper article
Les applications de traçage et le micro-ondes de ma grand-mère - newspaper article
Sortie de crise et traçage numérique - newspaper article
Covidsafe App: How Australia's coronavirus.. - newspaper article
Coronavirus Apps : How Australia's Covidsafe.. - newspaper article
Concerns about low uptake, flawed pandemic - newspaper article
COVID-19 tracking data should be managed.. - newspaper article
Enjeux éthiques liés à la pandémie de COVID-19 - blog post
Le recours aux données de géolocalisation...- blog post
COVID-19 - blog post
Data protection and coronavirus information hub - blog post
Commission recommendation - report
Ethical Guidelines for SARS-Cov-2 - practical guide
7 - Surveillance, democracy and potential abuses
Forget the Techclash. The lawlash is Long Overdue. - newspaper article
COVID-19 les dérives possibles de surveillance des données personnelles - newspaper article
Surveillés et dociles ? - newspaper article
Yuval Noah Harari - The world after coronavirus - newspaper article
Gouverner dans l'ombre de l'État de droit en temps de pandémie - newspaper article
Contact apps won't end lockdown... - newspaper article
Nos droits fondamentaux en temps de pandémie - newspaper article
Artificial Intelligence : Risks to Privacy and Democracy - scientific article
Towards Digital Enlightenment - scientific essay
This content has been updated on 12/07/2020 at 11 h 22 min.