Virtual Hearings and Technological Evidence

These two themes focus on the integration of technology into our current legal systems. States from both civil law and common law legal traditions have over the centuries developed the models of justice that we have inherited today. These models revolve around the development of a set of judicial rights and procedural guarantees that ensure the right to a fair trial, access to courts and, more recently, the freedom to choose from varied mechanisms of alternative dispute resolution.

The themes of "Virtual hearings and technological evidence" aim to advance the discussion on justice and access to justice for litigants through technological means. Thus, technological evidence saves resources and accelerates the production of evidence. Virtual hearings have made it possible to deal with the Covid-19 situation and are proving to be an effective means of dispensing justice by avoiding unnecessary delays and costs.

On the other hand, the innovations that have been introduced in an accelerated manner in recent months in order to address the current pandemic raise questions about the importance of the physical courts as a stable anchor, the physical presence of litigants and witnesses, as well as the administration of evidence by technological means. The content that is proposed by the laboratory through the themes 5 and 6 of its online activity program will examine these issues through web conferences and live interviews.


To watch or rewatch our activities 

Web-conference, 3 december 2020 : Enjeux de justice virtuelle : Communication non verbale et crédibilité des témoins

Rebroadcast available here !

Web-conference, June 5, 2020 : Assermentation par des moyens technologiques

Rebroadcast available here  !

Web-conference, June 8, 2020 : Retour d’expérience sur la tenue des audiences virtuelles en temps de pandémie

Rebroadcast available here !

Web-conference, June 10, 2020 : The Trial as the Means for Justice: Technological Challenges in Pandemic Times (And for the Future)

Rebroadcast available here  !

Web-conference, June 11  : Non-conformité de la visio-conférence devant la Chambre de l'Instruction en matière criminelle

Rebroadcast available here  !

Summer school 2020 : Audiences virtuelles et publicité des débats - Webdiscussion avec Pierre Trudel et Nicolas Vermeys

Rebroadcasting available here  !

Content linked to the theme

1 - Canadian Perspective  

2 - International outlook 

This content has been updated on 12/17/2020 at 9 h 09 min.