In the context of theme 3, the Laboratory proposes to develop certain aspects of ODR such as the particularities of online dispute resolution in labour law and different perspectives on the perception of justice.

In order to improve access to justice, the Laboratory will present the JusticeBot project which aims to help parties to disputes a better understanding of their legal situation using artificial intelligence. There will be a presentation of our research, a prototype we have developed and the JusticeBot Machine Learning challenge, a competition for machine learning researchers. Finally, the ODR theme will be approached from the perspective of the current crisis.

To watch or rewatch our activities 

Web-conference, November 17, 2020 : Reimagining Justice with AI Technology

Rebroadcast available here !

Web-conference, November 5, 2020 : Arbitration in the Age of Covid: Examining Arbitration's Move Online

Rebroadcast available here !

Web-talk, 20 may 2020 : Online Dispute Resolution in labor law

Rebroadcast available here !

Web-conference, 19 may 2020 : JusticeBot, prototype et challenge

Rebroadcast available here

Vlog : Online Dispute Resolution en temps de crise

Rebroadcasting available here  !

Contents related to the theme


1- ODR and nudges


2 - ODR and pandemic


3 - ODR and sense of Justice 

4 - To go further 

This content has been updated on 11/23/2020 at 13 h 22 min.