Artificial Intelligence and Humanity: Annihilation or Integration? presented at McGill University


Two weeks ago, Hannes Westermann from the Cyberjustice Laboratory was invited to present at the event “Artificial Intelligence and Humanity: Annihilation or Integration?” as part of the A. Jean de Grandpré Distinguished Speaker Series and the Food for Thought Public Lecture Series. He talked about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on humanity and the work he is conducting at the Cyberjustice Laboratory. He was also part of a discussion together with Professor Doina Precup, researcher in Deep Learning and head of the Montreal office of Google DeepMind, and Professor Donald L. Smith, a renowned professor in agriculture and head of BioFuelNet Canada.

Hannes' presentation starts at 28 minutes.

This content has been updated on 06/09/2020 at 13 h 19 min.