Amy J. Schmitz – Measuring ‘Access to Justice’ in the Rush to Digitize

Amy Schmitz – chercheure AJC et professeure à la School of Law de la University of Missouri soulève dans cette publication les enjeux de l’accès à la justice dans une société de plus en plus numérisée.

Publication disponible uniquement en anglais.

Access to Justice (A2J) is the hot topic of the day, energizing Twitter and judges alike. Meanwhile, professors and policymakers join in song, singing the praises of online dispute resolution (ODR) as means for expanding A2J. This is because ODR uses technology to allow for online claim diagnosis, negotiation, and mediation without the time, money, and stress of traditional court processes. Indeed, courts are now moving traffic ticket, condominium, landlord/tenant, personal injury, debt collection, and even divorce claims online. The hope is that online triage and dispute resolution systems will provide means for obtaining remedies for self-represented litigants (SRLs) and those who cannot otherwise afford traditional litigation.

Amy Schmitz

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Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 1 septembre 2020 à 13 h 48 min.