Videos | Page 6

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Retour d’expérience – Comment informer le public sur ses droits en période de pandémie ?

Web-talk in french only. Nous vous invitons à une discussion virtuelle avec Mes Dominique Boutin, Aliaa El-Hage et Sophie Gagnon durant laquelle nous aborderons l’impact de la crise sanitaire sur l’accessibilité à la justice au Québec. Nous explorerons les projets mis en place afin de maintenir le public informé et nous discuterons des effets à […] Read more

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Learning from experience – How to inform the public of their rights in times of crisis

Join Jean-Paul Bevilacqua, Julie Mathews and Katie Sykes to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on access to justice in Canada. The discussion will centre around the establishment of new technological tools and services seeking to inform the public of their rights during a pandemic and around the impact that the pandemic has had […] Read more

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Retour d’expérience sur la tenue des audiences virtuelles en temps de pandémie

Important : This web interview that will take place on Monday, June 8, 2020 has been postponed to 2pm (the date remains unchanged). Speakers :  The Honourable Judge Clément Samson - Quebec Superior Court Paul-Matthieu Grondin - Quebec Bar Hosts : Hélène Gavrilovic et Jie Zhu, research assistants at the Cyberjustice Laboratory  In the course […] Read more

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Webinar : Improving Access to Justice Through User-Focused ODR

  Richard Rogers recently described the Civil Resolution Tribunal (CRT) as “Currently the world’s best known and most advanced online public dispute resolution system”. In this webinar, you’ll learn: how the CRT is integrated into British Columbia’s justice system; its reliance on user-focused design to develop and improve; and how the tribunal uses both technology […] Read more

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Webinar : Beagle, a Chatbot that Helps with Everyday Legal Problems

People's Law School, a non-profit in British Columbia, has developed a chatbot that helps with everyday legal problems. Now available on Facebook Messenger and soon to be released on the web, Beagle guides people step-by-step through common everyday legal problems. The team behind Beagle will outline why they set about developing a chatbot, show how […] Read more

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Webinar : Jami, un outil de communication au service de la vie privée

Webinar in french only. The boom in teleworking in the context of a pandemic has shed light on the controversial and more or less controlled use of communications and personal data through the many tools at your disposal. In this webinar, we will present JAMI, an innovative Quebec-based communication application that places confidentiality and privacy […] Read more

Upcoming events Videos

Artificial Intelligence and Humanity: Annihilation or Integration? presented at McGill University

  Two weeks ago, Hannes Westermann from the Cyberjustice Laboratory was invited to present at the event “Artificial Intelligence and Humanity: Annihilation or Integration?” as part of the A. Jean de Grandpré Distinguished Speaker Series and the Food for Thought Public Lecture Series. He talked about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on humanity and the […] Read more