Video Hearings Process Evaluation (Phase 2) Final Report

Pr Meredith Rossner – chercheure AJC – et Martha McCurdy – candidate au doctorat en sociologie à la London School of Economics – publient un rapport qui présente les conclusions de la phase 2 de l’évaluation du processus des audiences virtuelles pour des procès issus des juridictions civiles, familiales et fiscales. Le rapport offre une brève des recherches précédemment effectuées, une description des données et méthodes utilisées lors de l’évaluation ainsi que plusieurs recommandations.

The evaluation was based on a prototype version of the video hearings service. A new platform was released in November 2019 (Release 1), but we could not observe an entire user journey due to the elapsed time between a hearing being listed and taking place. As such, the additional functionality in Release 1 has not been reviewed. Differences from the new release are noted throughout the report. The evaluation included observations of hearings, interviews with users and key stakeholders, and analyses of administrative data and documents. It will report on the implementation and user and judicial experience of video hearings. It will conclude by making recommendations about best practice for the video hearings process. The experience of participants in this pilot suggests that, at least for the types of hearing tested, video hearing

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Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 26 octobre 2020 à 10 h 00 min.