News | Page 53


La cyberjustice : solution locale à un problème global?

This content is not available in the selected language. Situé à l’épicentre mondial de la mise en réseau des processus judiciaires, le Laboratoire de cyberjustice de l’Université de Montréal demeure constamment à l’affût des nouvelles tendances et des derniers développements en matière d’accès à la justice. Cela étant, nous désirons souligner les intéressants résultats d’une […] Read more


Forum 2012 CCCT

The Canadian Center of Court Technology will held the Second Edition of the Canadian Forum on Court Technology. This forum is co-hosted by Association of Canadian Court Administrators. The forum will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Montréalon October 24-25 2012. For more information visit: Read more


Researchers and Cyberjustice

The scope of the research project “Towards Cyberjustice” is both international and multidisciplinary. Over the next 7 years, the team will grapple a large variety of questions regarding their role within this project, the definition of cyberjustice, and even future applications of their research, such as mobile justice. We decided to anticipate to some degree […] Read more


Resolving Conflicts with Cyberjustice

Dear friends, It has now been a year since we began our study on dematerialization of court processes. Our research team and our work have raised a great deal of interest in the legal community, but also more broadly in society. While part of our team’s mandate will be to bring our research project to […] Read more


ODR 2013 Montreal

Montreal will be the host of the 12th annual international ODR Forum (Online Dispute Resolution). The conference will present current initiatives and developments in the field of online negotiation, mediation and arbitration. The Montreal ODR Forum will serve to bring together Internet industry leaders, government officials, members of the judiciary and the legal profession, arbitration […] Read more


Launch of our website

Dear friends, I am very pleased to present the website for the Towards Cyberjustice project. You can visit it at The site is above all a source of information on the project and researchers, but also a way to keep abreast of the team's work and activities. The site is also designed to support […] Read more