News | Page 40


École d’été 2016 du Laboratoire de cyberjustice

This content is not available in the selected language. Du 13 au 18 juin 2016, le Laboratoire de cyberjustice accueillera étudiants et professionnels lors de son école d’été 2016. L’objectif de cette école d’été est de diffuser l’état actuel des connaissances du Laboratoire, tout en offrant l’opportunité unique aux participants de côtoyer et d’échanger avec […] Read more


Small Claims and e-Justice - European - European Chamber of Judicial Officers

Pre-program Opening speeches Patrick SANNINO, President, French National Chamber of Bailiffs and European Chamber of Bailiffs Fernando Paulino PEREIRA, Head of Unit « Civil Justice Cooperation», President of the e-Justice group, General secretariat of the Council of the European Union New Small claims European regulation and e-justice Dick HEIMANS, Deputy head of Unit, Head of […] Read more


Flawed data complicates criminal justice AI

This content is not available in the selected language. Artificial intelligence has the potential to help reform policing and criminal justice practices nationwide, experts say. However, one challenge to deploying widespread artificial intelligence is refining the data to avoid reinforcing historic biases. The White House and the University of Chicago have teamed up with police […] Read more


Local Courts Getting Tech Grants

This content is not available in the selected language. Security improvements, website upgrades, and new self-service kiosks are among the local court technology projects selected to receive grants from the Ohio Supreme Court. Courts in Hocking, Meigs, Jackson, and Guernsey Counties are some of the local courts that will receive funding. Nearly $2.5 million will […] Read more


The Future is Now

This content is not available in the selected language. William Gibson coined the phrase: “The Future is already here – is just not very evenly distributed.” Well a very telling sign that the future is arrived is the appearance of a robot inside a law firm. Fortune Magazine, in an article entitled: “Meet Ross, the […] Read more