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Events News

Lancement du livre « Le droit à la vie privée en droit québécois et canadien » de Karim Benyekhlef et Pierre-Luc Déziel

This content is not available in the selected language. C’était le 5 mars dernier qu’avait lieu le lancement du livre Le droit à la vie privée en droit québécois et canadien de Karim Benyekhlef et Pierre-Luc Déziel au Salon François Chevrette. Les coauteurs ont pu partager un cocktail en compagnie de leurs familles, d’amis ainsi […] Read more


Nicolas Vermeys, conférencier invité à l’Institut de Recherche Juridique de la Sorbonne

This content is not available in the selected language. Le 1er mars 2019, les professeurs Nicolas Vermeys (Université de Montréal) et Jean-François Roberge (Université de Sherbrooke), tous deux chefs de chantiers au Projet AJC, ainsi que Maria-Fernanda Acevedo (Laboratoire de cyberjustice) seront présent en tant que conférenciers dans le cadre du séminaire : « ODR, l’expérience canadienne à l’aune des […] Read more

Upcoming events News

Conférence «The Use of AI in White-Collar Crime», à McGill

Abstract Wondered why our criminal justice classes focus on street crime rather than what does the actual damage to our society, i.e. white-collar crimes? Are you interested in AI generally and are curious to hear how it intersects with other practice areas in law? Then come to our panel on the use of AI & […] Read more

In the medias News

“Quelles sont les limites de la liberté d’expression sur internet?” | Entrevue de Karim Benyekhlef à l’émission Gravel le matin de Radio-Canada

"Just because it's on the Internet doesn't mean the law doesn't apply. Behind a screen, people think they are safe, but they are not". Interview with Professor Karim Benyekhlef on Radio-Canada's Gravel program in the morning of December 28, 2018, where he answers the question of the day: "How far can we go in a […] Read more


Success of the 1st Roundtable on Data Harvesting

Within the framework of the Project Empowerment of Judicial Actors through Cyberjustice (AJC), Monday, December 17, the first discussion workshop on the "harvesting" (brokering) of judicial data was successfully held. This 5-hour workshop brought together representatives from the Cyberjustice Laboratory, the Department of Justice Canada, the Ministère de la Justice du Québec, CanLii, etc. for […] Read more


Canada Launches National Action Plan for Open Government 2018-2020

Following a public participation process conducted from November 2017 to April 2018, the Canadian federal government announced the launch of its 2018-2020 National Action Plan for Open Government. It sets out ten (10) commitments "to advance government accountability and citizen participation". This action plan is based on 7 guiding principles: inclusion, gender equity, accessibility, user-centred […] Read more

In the medias News

Karim Benyekhlef asked about the future of AI in Justice and its potential drifts in L'Actualité

In the article "Quand l'intelligence artificielle dérape" published in the December 5 edition of L'Actualité, Professor Karim Benyekhlef discusses with journalist Marc-André Sabourin the abuses to be avoided in terms of artificial intelligence in the judicial field: No gown for robots A robot in a judge's seat?  Nothing worries Karim Benyekhlef, director of the Cyberjustice […] Read more