News | Page 17


Virtual program

The Laboratory will launch a series of activities in May that will gather the opinions and experiences of legal experts from around the world on the recent events. From ethical issues to crisis management, including analyses of the achievements and failures of technologies in the legal field, the Laboratory will present varied and relevant content […] Read more


Document de travail – Repenser la protection des renseignements personnels à la lumière des défis soulevés par l’IA

This content is not available in the selected language. Ce document a été préparé dans le cadre de la consultation de laCommission d’accès à l’information du Québec sur l’intelligenceartificielle et revient sur les questions posées par la Commission lors de cette consultation. Les principaux objectifs du document sont : • (1) D’offrir une synthèse, qui soit […] Read more


Postdoctoral Fellowship, AI and Regulation

The Centre for Law, Technology and Society is seeking two skilled and enthusiastic Postdoctoral Fellows to pursue an innovative research program focused on shaping the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a global context.  INTERNSHIP OFFER 1 The Scotiabank Postdoctoral Fellowship on AI and Regulation will support an innovative research program focused on shaping the […] Read more


PARLe – Ontario Condominium Authority Tribunal

The CAT’s platform distinguishes itself on the international stage by promoting simple, online resolution of the many condominium disputes that have resulted from Ontario’s condominium boom. A unique response to the COVID-19 crisis Thanks to the PARLe platform, the Condominium Authority Tribunal became in 2017 the first completely online, no-premise tribunal in Canada. This fully digital tribunal […] Read more


PARLe – Office de la protection du consommateur

Since 2016 , the PARLe project of the Office de la protection du consommateur has made it feasible to settle consumer disputes between a consumer and a merchant based in Quebec without a judge. With more than 7800 consumers referred to the platform and a 70% success rate in resolving disputes, the PARLe OPC project has illustrated, long before the current period of confinement, […] Read more


Cyberjustice in times of pandemic

At a time when the justice system is idling, the Cyberjustice Laboratory is brimming with innovations that are helping to speed up the process here in Canada and in France. Online court hearings, remote mediation, virtual courtrooms: the innovations of the Cyberjustice Laboratory of the Faculty of Law of the Université de Montréal are being […] Read more


The PARLe platform in the latest Joint Technology Committee’s Resource Bulletin on ODR platforms

The Joint Technology Committee (JTC) published a bulletin on January 28, 2020, containing various case studies on online dispute resolution (ODR). The committee notes that dozens, if not hundreds, of jurisdictions have implemented online dispute resolution mechanisms. Through seven case studies, it looks at the different possibilities available to courts to apply dispute resolution technology: […] Read more

Featured News

A Tale of Cyberjustice: A Modern Approach to Technology in the Canadian Justice System

The Cyberjustice Lab is pleased to announce the release of its new book "A Tale of Cyberjustice: A Modern Approach to Technology in the Canadian Justice System".  This book traces the life cycle of the Towards Cyberjustice project, from its creation to its completion and continuation with the launch of the Autonomy Through Cyberjustice Technologies (ACT) project. This book is […] Read more