Events | Page 4

Featured LexUM Chair Conferences News

Conférence à venir : “Le cerveau humain – Un nouveau champ de bataille géopolitique” de Pr Thomas Flichy de la Neuville

This content is not available in the selected language. La Chaire Lexum et le Laboratoire de cyberjustice ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la conférence “Le cerveau humain – Un nouveau champ de bataille géopolitique” du professeur Thomas Flichy de la Neuville. Cliquer ici pour vous inscrire Informations pratiques Quand : 9 novembre 2023, 16h30 […] Read more

Featured LexUM Chair Conferences

Vidéo – Conférence “L’innovation fait-elle la loi ? Réguler la technologie entre techno-normes etnormes juridiques” de Pr Benjamin Lehaire

This content is not available in the selected language. Vous trouverez ci-dessus la conférence du Pr Benjamin Lehaire (TELUQ) dans le cadre du cycle de conférences annuelle de la Chaire Lexum “Cycle annuel 2023-2024 de conférences Chaire LexUM : La géopolitique de la régulation du numérique – Enjeux normatifs et stratégiques.” Conférencier: Benjamin Lehaire est professeur […] Read more

Featured Events

Visit of the delegation from the Conseil national des barreaux and the FÉRAL law firm to the Cyberjustice Laboratory.

We were delighted to welcome the delegation from the Conseil national des barreaux and the FÉRAL law firm team to our laboratory. Our guests had the opportunity to attend presentations on our online dispute resolution platform, PARLe, the JusticeBot, as well as on our current project, LLMediator, aimed at integrating artificial intelligence and Large Language […] Read more

Featured Events

Conférence McGill AI & Law – The Defamation Machine : Can ChatGPT Commit Defamation ?

This content is not available in the selected language. When: Wednesday, October 25, 2023 13:30 to 14:30 Where : Online Price: Free Zoom Registration:  Join us for an AI and the Law talk with  Prof. James Grimmelmann, who will explore the question of software interpretation and revisit some of the classic thought experiments about artificial intelligence from a lawyerly point […] Read more

Featured Seminars Upcoming events News Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Le Web 3.0 : de la décentralisation à l’émancipation ?

“Agriculture destroyed the chief, forcing a transition to oligarchy. Industrialization destroyed the king, forcing a transition to democracy. The information revolution, coupled with globalization, is eroding representative government and forcing a transition toward something completely new." Michael Mason et Matthew Spoke, "Programmable Trust" Succeeding to the first-generation encyclopedic web and the social or participatory web, […] Read more

Featured LexUM Chair Conferences Upcoming events

Cycle annuel 2023-2024 de conférences Chaire LexUM | La géopolitique de la régulation du numérique. Enjeux normatifs et stratégiques

This content is not available in the selected language. Les appels à la régulation de l’intelligence artificielle se multiplient, en particulier depuis la mise à disposition du grand public des Large Language Models (LLM), type ChatGPT. De même, on note une activité importante de régulation par l’Union européenne à travers notamment le Digital Services Act (DSA), le Digital Markets Act (DMA) […] Read more

Featured Seminars LexUM Chair Conferences Upcoming events Cyberjustice Web Conferences

ODR FORUM MONTREAL 2023 |The State and Future of ODR

This content is not available in the selected language. The International Forum is heading to Canada. The 23rd International ODR Forum will be held at the Cyberjustice Laboratory of the Université de Montréal on October 11-12, 2023. The 23rd International ODR Forum is a two-day assembly of over 250 innovators, changemakers, and thought leaders from various sectors, […] Read more

Featured Seminars News

ICAIL Conference 2023 Recap

This content is not available in the selected language. Between the 19 and 23 June, the Cyberjustice Laboratory attended the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2023) in Braga, Portugal. Our researchers, Hannes Westermann and Jinzhe Tan, contributed to several segments of the conference. Hannes presented his work on JusticeBot, our AI tool […] Read more