Events | Page 14

Upcoming events

Workshop - Online Dispute Resolution and Stress | How Becoming a Mindful Mediator Can Improve Your ODR Practice

This content is not available in the selected language. L’activité ainsi que les détails et les modalités d’inscription sont intégralement en anglais. Facilitated by Nicole Aylwin – Cyberjustice Laboratory Collaborator, Mediator & Yoga Therapist While online dispute resolution (ODR) can offer many benefits and opportunities for both the mediator and the parties, this rapid transition […] Read more

Events Upcoming events

The AI and Law Series | Characteristica Universalis Lex: Artificial Intelligence and the Ghosts of LegalTech Past

Speaker :  Christopher Markou, Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge. Description : The question ‘is law computable?’ immediately recalls the classic jurisprudential question: ‘what is law?’ – a question posed by both legal pragmatists and idealists. For tough-minded pragmatists, the question ‘what is law’ might entail little more than a prediction of whether those in […] Read more

Upcoming events News

Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: Normative Frameworks and the Risks Related to AI in the Judiciary with Giampero Lupo

Giampero Lupo - ACT researcher - will propose within the framework of a series of online seminars by the SRPP a web conference entitled "Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: Normative Frameworks and the Risks Related to AI in the Judiciary " within the framework of the seminar "Normalizing Normativity (AI and Justice)" that will take […] Read more

Upcoming events

ABA | Dispute Resolution Tech Expo 2020

Cyberjustice Laboratory is excited to be exhibiting at the 2020 ABA Dispute Resolution Expo during the week of September 14-18! Join us to learn how we can meet your needs with a personalized, one-on-one demo appointment. The Expo will also offer educational programs, informational sessions, technology hot tips, entertainment, and socializing opportunities – you don’t want […] Read more


JURISIN-2020 | Call for papers

Call for papers for the Fourteenth International Workshop on Juris-informatics associated with JSAI International Symposia on AI 2020 (IsAI-2020) to be held from the 15th to 17th of November, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. Due to COVID-19 this event may be  remotely.  Juris-informatics is a new research area which studies legal issues from the perspective of […] Read more

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Cybersécurité : comment se protéger, son entreprise et ses clients en respectant les bonnes pratiques et exigences légales

SPeaker : Julien Bois During this web conference, we will have with us Julien Bois, Project Manager and Solution Architect in Identity and Acccess Management. He will provide various useful and practical information to protect themselves, their organisation, or their clients in cybersecurity. Through a legal perspective, he will present such information by doing the […] Read more

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Enjeux de la cybersécurité reliés à une pandémie

Web-talk in french only. Speakers :  Nicolas Vermeys - Cyberjustice Laboratory  Benoit Dupont - Serene-RISC During this web discussion, we will have with us Nicolas Vermeys - professor at the faculty of law of the University of Montreal and associate director of the Cyberjustice Laboratory and Benoît Dupont - professor at the School of Criminology […] Read more

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

Enjeux éthiques du recours à l’intelligence artificielle en temps de pandémie

Web-entretien en français uniquement. Speakers  : Mélanie Bourassa Forcier -  Université de Sherbrooke Martin Gibert - Centre de recherche en éthique  et IVADO Daniel Weinstock - Law School,  McGill University  Ryoa Chung -The Montreal Centre for International Studies, Université de Montréal During this web interview, we will have with us Mélanie Bourassa Forcier, Full professor at the Faculty of […] Read more

Videos Cyberjustice Web Conferences

AI's Contribution to the Administration of Justice

Speakers  Karl Branting - MITRE Kevin Ashley - University of Pittsburgh Tom van Engers - Leibniz Institute This web interview will bring together Kevin Ashley, professor of law at the University of Pittsburgh, Karl Branting, Chief Scientist in charge of the Machine Learning for Computational Law project at MITRE Corporation and Tom van Engers professor of law at the University […] Read more