In the medias | Page 3

In the medias

Bourdonnement [CHRONIQUES] - And Cyberjustice for All

Maître Sébastien Bourdon proposes a reflection on the judicial system since the beginning of the confinement by insisting on the importance of "dematerializing" justice to ensure its proper functioning at all times. Available in french only.    Ayant quelques relations avec le Québec, je me suis interrogé sur ce que propose le laboratoire de cyberjustice […] Read more

In the medias

The conversation - Courts are moving to video during coronavirus, but research shows it’s hard to get a fair trial remotely

David Tait and Meredith Rossner- ACT researchers - focus in this article published in The conversation  on the challenges faced by virtual courts in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a sense, the courts have been preparing for an outbreak like this for some time. Witnesses and defendants routinely appear in court via […] Read more

In the medias

Slaw -

Amy Salyzyn -  ACT researcher - writes in this article published on the website Slaw - a Canadian legal blog - about how the pandemic has disrupted the functioning of the judicial system. She paints the picture of how a virtual courts should be, emphasizing the need to provide more transparency, including more access to […] Read more

In the medias

La cyberjustice en temps de pandémie – UdeM Nouvelles

This content is not available in the selected language. UdeM Nouvelles Alors que l’appareil judiciaire marche au ralenti, le Laboratoire de cyberjustice de la Faculté de droit de l’UdeM apporte des innovations qui accélèrent les processus au Canada et en France. Audiences en ligne, médiations à distance, tribunaux virtuels: les innovations du Laboratoire de cyberjustice […] Read more

In the medias

« L’Online Dispute Resolution, un complément indispensable à la justice d'aujourd'hui et de demain »

Pierre Legros, a former trainee at the Cyberjustice Laboratory, highlights in an article published on Village de la justice, the importance of a better access to justice through the development of online dispute resolution platforms. Available in french only  «Partant du principe qu’une plateforme d’ODR serait accessible en tout temps et en tout lieu, elle […] Read more

In the medias

The Judges Journal : Here There Be Dragons - The Likely Interaction of Judges with the Artificial Intelligence Ecosystem

Artificial intelligence, or “AI,” is frequently referenced both in the news and in commercial advertisements. It often appears that nearly everything is or soon will be a product of AI. In fact, however, other than natural language processing, true AI is still in its early stages and far less common than advertising would suggest. This […] Read more

In the medias

Le projet AJC dans The Lawyer’s Daily | Université de Montréal AI initiative seeks to improve access to justice

This content is not available in the selected language. Nearly a decade after co-founding Cyberjustice Laboratory, a hub that analyzes the impact of technologies on justice while developing concrete technological tools that are adapted to the reality of justice systems, Karim Benyekhlef and Fabien Gélinas have set their sights on artificial intelligence (AI). Autonomy through […] Read more