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Part III - JTC Resource Bulletin, “ODR for Courts”. ODR: a simplification of dispute resolution, source of new issues for the courts

By Pierre Legros              My trilogy is coming to an end. Indeed, this is the last part of my detailed analysis of the Resource Bulletin “ODR for Courts”, published by the JTC (Joint Technology Committee) on December 12, 2016 (and updated on November 29, 2017). After having clarified why ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) appears to […] Read more

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Les travailleurs du clic et l’intelligence artificielle

This content is not available in the selected language. La prophétie d’une intelligence artificielle autonome et anthropomorphe est ancrée dans l’imaginaire collectif depuis des décennies, impulsée par une culture largement romancée et les effets d’annonces des acteurs du secteur. Pourtant, dans les coulisses, se cache encore un travail humain. Une multitude de petites mains nourrissent […] Read more

Blog News

Part II - JTC Resource Bulletin, « ODR for Courts ». The implementation of ODR, towards a successful experience

By Pierre Legros                The first part of my trilogy of blog posts, which analyzed the JTC (Join Technology Committee) Resource Bulletin “ODR for Courts” showed that the definition of ODR (Online Dispute Resolution) is extremely broad. Therefore, there is not just one, but many possibilities for integrating such a process into the judicial […] Read more

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La science des données, futur de l’IA dans la sphère juridique

This content is not available in the selected language. Par Jehanne Dussert L’intelligence artificielle (IA) est un domaine en pleine expansion permettant d’offrir de nouveaux outils à la justice et aux professionnels du droit. Le traitement et l’analyse de données judiciaires, le déploiement de l’information juridique, le développement d’outils dits “prédictifs”, sont autant d’exemples favorisant […] Read more


Part I - JTC Resource Bulletin, « ODR for Courts ». Dispute resolution in the digital age, a necessary evolution of the courts for the benefit of everyone

By Pierre LEGROS In a short time, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) has grown to become a distinct and particularly effective dispute resolution mechanism, especially for low-stake and low-value claims.    “ODR for Courts,” a Resource Bulletin published by the Joint Technology Committee (JTC), provides an introductory guide to ODR  and describes several ODR models, which I will […] Read more