News | Page 37


Communiqué – Dévoilement du calendrier de la Semaine québécoise de l’informatique libre (SQIL), 17-25 septembre 2016

This content is not available in the selected language. Montréal, le jeudi le 1er septembre 2016. /CNW Telbec/ – FACIL est fier de dévoiler aujourd’hui le calendrier des activités de la Semaine québécoise de l’informatique libre (SQIL). L’édition 2016 de la SQIL, qui se tiendra du 17 au 25 septembre, est riche d’une panoplie d’activités […] Read more


Cérémonie du prix Justice imaginative 2016

This content is not available in the selected language. La Faculté de droit de l’Université de Montréal et la Chaire LexUM en information juridique organisent pour la première fois le Prix Justice imaginative. Dans le but de récompenser une initiative originale et créative qui contribue à la promotion de la justice et à l’accès à […] Read more


Quelle symbolique pour le tribunal de Paris ?

This content is not available in the selected language.  Particulièrement exposé en raison à la fois de l’importance de son activité et de sa grande hauteur, le tribunal de Paris offira, aux portes de la capitale, une visibilité exceptionnelle à l’institution judiciaire. Pareille exposition qui dépassera le ressort du tribunal de grande instance de Paris […] Read more


Compelling case for online dispute resolution

This content is not available in the selected language. Introducing technological innovation into justice systems around the world has been a slow march, but the internet of things and the growth of mobile technology are driving legal service providers to step up and respond in ways that digital natives expect, according to an expert in […] Read more

Events News

Press Release - A memorandum of understanding concluded between the Cyberjustice Laboratory and the MITRE Corporation

Monday, August 8, 2016 – Montreal The University of Montreal’s Cyberjustice Laboratory has concluded a memorandum of understanding with the U.S. research organization The MITRE Corporation, in a bid to enhance access to justice and support the rule of law locally and abroad. This agreement is the fruit of ongoing discussions between Karim Benyekhlef, Director […] Read more


Online court proposed to settle civil disputes

This content is not available in the selected language. Judiciary looks to Canada and Netherlands for working examples of justice The great majority of everyday legal disputes – over matters such as unpaid bills and faulty goods – could be resolved online rather than in a physical court in the latest move to modernise England and […] Read more