News | Page 19


Call for Abstracts - Symposium Algorithmic Law and Society

Call for Abstracts Deadline February 1, 2020   Conveners & Editors David Restrepo Amariles Pedro Rubim Borges Fortes   HEC Paris, the Law and Society Review, and the Law and Society Association— CRN Law and Development (CRN 52), are issuing a call for original research papers to be presented at the Symposium Algorithmic Law and Society, and to […] Read more

Press release News

PARLe: An Effective Access to Justice Tool for Consumers

Press release Assessment of the Consumer Protection Office's online mediation project after 3 years of implementation Quebec City, December 2, 2019 Minister of Justice Sonia LeBel today marked the 3rd anniversary of the "Online Dispute Resolution Platform" (PARLe), an innovative web-based tool that provides courts with an alternative solution to solve consumer problems. Developed by […] Read more


Publication in the Larcier Editions : The Judge and the Algorithm

The Research Centre in Information, Law and Society (CRIDS) of the Faculty of Law in the University of Namur has just released his monograph "The judge and the algorithm: judges increased or justice diminished? "In this book, Prof. Karim Benykhlef, Jie Zhu and Valentin Callipel, of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, wrote an article on the theme of "Human Responsibility in […] Read more


Inauguration of the 3IA Chair

Prof. Karim Benyekhlef, Director of the Cyberjustice Laboratory and the 2019-2020 Chairholder of the Koyré Chair of Excellence, is currently at the Université Côté d'Azur as part of the "Justice and Algorithms" week organized by the 3IA Côte d'Azur Chair of Excellence.   Program of the 1st day The day began with the recording of a […] Read more


2019 International ODR Forum

From October 29 to 30, was held the 2019 ODR International Forum hosted by the National Center for Technology and Conflict Resolution in Williamsburg, Virginia. This forum brings together several researchers, each year, who work on issues related to online dispute resolution. For this occasion, a team of researchers from the Cyberjustice Laboratory and the […] Read more



The entry into force, on May 25, 2018 throughout the European Union of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) established a new legal framework for the protection of personal data and led the experts of the College Law and Justice in charge of terminology with the French Language Enrichment Commission to define new concepts in […] Read more