News | Page 17


Jean-François Roberge | Le sentiment de justice. Un concept pertinent pour évaluer la qualité du règlement des différends en ligne ?

Jean-François Roberge - ACT researcher - discuss in this publication the concept of sense of justice and it's importance in evaluating the quality of online dispute resolution, particularly through the experience of justice by the users of the online dispute resolution platform - PARLE - in consumer disputes. The sense of justice is a concept […] Read more


Nicolas Vermeys et Maria-Fernanda Acevedo Lanas | L’émergence et l’évolution des tribunaux virtuels au Canada – L’exemple de la Plateforme d’aide au règlement des litiges en ligne (PARLe)

Nicolas Vermeys - Assistant Director of the Cyberjustice Laboratory - Maria-Fernanda Acevedo Lanas - Scientific Coordinator at the Cyberjustice Laboratory - explore in this publication the emergence and evolution of virtual courts in Canada by drawing on the work done by the Cyberjustice Laboratory and, in particular, the success of the Platform to Aid in […] Read more


Heather Scheiwe Kulp & Amy J. Schmitz - Real Feedback from Real People: Emphasizing User-Centric Designs for Court ODR

Heather Scheiwe Kulp and Amy J. Schmitz review the standards for the use of Online Dispute Resolution in  courts by questioning users who have experimented the system. As online dispute resolution (ODR) systems become increasingly popular and prevalent, especially for court cases, those of us considering and setting standards for ODR find ourselves wondering what […] Read more


Virtual program

The Laboratory will launch a series of activities in May that will gather the opinions and experiences of legal experts from around the world on the recent events. From ethical issues to crisis management, including analyses of the achievements and failures of technologies in the legal field, the Laboratory will present varied and relevant content […] Read more


Document de travail – Repenser la protection des renseignements personnels à la lumière des défis soulevés par l’IA

This content is not available in the selected language. Ce document a été préparé dans le cadre de la consultation de laCommission d’accès à l’information du Québec sur l’intelligenceartificielle et revient sur les questions posées par la Commission lors de cette consultation. Les principaux objectifs du document sont : • (1) D’offrir une synthèse, qui soit […] Read more


Postdoctoral Fellowship, AI and Regulation

The Centre for Law, Technology and Society is seeking two skilled and enthusiastic Postdoctoral Fellows to pursue an innovative research program focused on shaping the regulation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in a global context.  INTERNSHIP OFFER 1 The Scotiabank Postdoctoral Fellowship on AI and Regulation will support an innovative research program focused on shaping the […] Read more