News | Page 15


Artificial Intelligence and the Law in Canada

Florian Martin-Bariteau and Teresa Scassa - law professors at the University of Ottawa - highlight the structural transformation of our society through the contribution of artificial intelligence and question how existing legal frameworks can or should adapt to this new technology. The book will be available in early 2021 in print, electronic and QuickLaw versions. […] Read more

Upcoming events News

Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: Normative Frameworks and the Risks Related to AI in the Judiciary with Giampero Lupo

Giampero Lupo - ACT researcher - will propose within the framework of a series of online seminars by the SRPP a web conference entitled "Regulating (Artificial) Intelligence in Justice: Normative Frameworks and the Risks Related to AI in the Judiciary " within the framework of the seminar "Normalizing Normativity (AI and Justice)" that will take […] Read more


Report | To Surveil and Predict : A Human Rights Analysis of Algorithmic Policing in Canada

This report written by Kate Robertson—criminal defence lawyer and Citizen Lab research fellow—Cynthia Khoo—Citizen Lab research fellow and technology and human rights lawyer—and Yolanda Song,—lawyer at Stevenson Whelton LLP and pro bono research associate at the IHRP—examines algorithmic technologies that are designed for use in criminal law enforcement systems and the human rights implications of […] Read more


Option consommateurs | Projet de loi n° 64 – Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels (mémoire d’Option consommateurs)

In a press release Option consommateurs - a non-profit association - supports Bill 64 on the protection of personal information by inviting the Québec government to adopt it. Nevertheless, in its brief submitted to the National Assembly, the association calls for doubling the budget of the Commission d'accès à l'information (CAI).   « La CAI […] Read more


OBVIA | Rapport: Les angles morts des réponses technologiques à la pandémie de COVID-19

Karine Gentelet—ACT researcher—and Alexandra Bahary-Dionne—PhD student—put forward in this report published by the International Observatory on the societal impacts of AI and digital technologies the blind spots of technological responses to the pandemic and their repercussions in terms of access to health care for marginalized populations. Cette recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre des travaux de […] Read more